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Solar and Battery

Who Our Services Aren't Suited To

While Solar and Battery offers comprehensive solar and battery storage solutions, there are specific situations and customer profiles where our services might not be the best fit. Understanding these scenarios can help potential customers make informed decisions and ensure they find the best solutions for their unique needs.

Location - The Midlands and surrounding areas

So that we can ensure the best service possible to our teams, we currently serve customers living in the Midlands. We are based in Nottingham, and provide our services to Nottingham, Leicester, Derby and selected areas of Lincoln, Birmingham, Sheffield, Stoke and Northampton. Whilst we would love to serve customers from all parts of the country beyond the Midlands, we want to be able to provide unbeatable service to our customers, and we believe that we will achieve that by focussing on the people of Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire first, and as we grow, with a our strong reputation in tact, spread our services further afield. When you identify an installer, we would always suggest using an installer that has a strong local presence.

Renters and Non-Property Owners

Our services primarily target homeowners, property developers, and small businesses that own their premises. Renters and individuals who do not own their property might find it challenging to justify the investment in solar panels or battery storage systems. The installation process requires modifications to the property, which typically requires the owner’s approval. Without ownership, the benefits of energy savings and potential property value increases are less directly realised.

Short-Term Residents

Homeowners planning to move within a few years might not see the full financial benefits of installing solar panels or battery storage systems. The return on investment (ROI) for solar energy systems generally spans several years, and moving before this period can result in not fully recouping the installation costs. Whilst some sales people will claim solar increases the value of your home, we distance ourselves from this claim (please read our article on the subject here). The immediate financial benefits are better suited to those with long-term residence plans.

Budget-Constrained Households

A family around a kitchen table looking at their finances with a piggy bank on the table and cash.
Households with tight budgets or those unable to secure financing might find it difficult to afford the upfront costs.

While solar and battery systems provide long-term savings, the initial investment can be substantial. Households with tight budgets or those unable to secure financing might find it difficult to afford the upfront costs. Although there are incentives and financing options available, the initial outlay might still be prohibitive for some customers.

Low Energy Consumption Homes

Homes with very low energy consumption might not see significant financial benefits from installing combined solar and battery storage systems. The savings on energy bills might not justify the initial investment.

Our solutions are more cost-effective for households with average energy usage and above, where the savings from generating and storing energy can offset the installation costs more rapidly. Especially battery only systems.


While Solar and Battery provides top-tier solar and battery storage solutions, they are best suited for property owners living in the Midlands, with long-term residence plans, sufficient budgets, average or above energy consumption, and properties with good sunlight exposure. Our services are also ideal for environmentally conscious customers and businesses with regular energy needs. Understanding these factors can help potential customers decide if our offerings align with their needs and circumstances. For those who do not fit these profiles, exploring alternative energy installers in your region or other solutions might be more appropriate. Our recommendation for domestic customers would be to first look at a battery only installation utilising off-peak tariffs to charge your battery at night. This route could save you 50-60% per year on your electricity bill at a lower price of entry. Read our article that goes into more detail on this topic here.

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